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Pure Persian Kittens (including vaccination, deworming, grooming, adaptation food and delivery)

Private seller

Both parents are pure Persian :
Mother - Dominant black coat, medium body frame, doll-faced Persian
Father - Dominant black coat, sturdy body with solid legs, mix of doll-faced and peke-faced Persian

1st batch kittens - All with me as new family members
2nd bacth kittens - All SOLD
3rd batch kittens - All SOLD

4th batch kitten
Black male, RM800 - SOLD
Smokey male, RM900 - SOLD
Smokey female, RM 950

Price including vaccination, deworming, grooming, adaptation food, delivery
Kindly PM me if interested, Dr. Ken

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Phone numberNjAxODI1MjE4MTg=
Account typePrivate seller
LocationBangsar utama, KUL 59000
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